Work It!
Saturday - 28Jan2006. I finally got the chance to do sport. It was a good thing we could play basketball at Universitas Pelita Harapan, though we had to wait untill 1 pm, after they finish the youth league. What made it better was that I could play with my ol' pals, who were my SMU Pelita Harapan basketball teammates (Aldwin, Multi, Aji), plus some of the UPH Men's Baketball team (Regional Champion 2005 for Jawa, Bali, and ?? I can't remember, who some of them were also may basketball teammates at SPH-Agus, Daniel, Edward).
The thing that inspired my to write this blog was the way Aldwin played. He's still playing with full passion. Running down the lane....up court..down court..taking the balls off the rim..guardin'. He's putting all his effort into it..and with a burnin' spirit. Man...I have never seen this guy give up on the court. He even said to me that he did not know when he is going to take it easy on the game. He is still playing for winning. That was the quality that has also made him MVP (MVP stands for Most Valuable Player for those of you don't know what it is) during high school years.
His passion on the court has made me to reflect on myself and all the efforts I have put into my work. I realize that maybe I have not yet put all in what I am doing. I tend to give slacks for myself. Taking it slow. Being too proud that success and victory will come eventually and sometimes being so not confident in my own capability.
Well, I know realize that you have got to put a burning passion in everything that you are trying to achieve, puttinh the best out of you in it, do it confidently and never give up untill the game is over. You might not win, but in a way you will be satisfied because you have tried hard for it. The result would be different if you have not done it wholeheartedly. You would still be wondering what if you have put a little more in it and whole set of other what ifs. That kind of attitude is the one that, according to my opinion, separates winners from losers.

Still related to the topic, in a strange way, the Sunday Mass at the church has also giving message for us to keep a burning spirit in our faith and every struggle of our lives. The Pastor was even taking Kong's (yes..King Kong) character as an example. Kong never gives up though it was rejected, misunderstood, and bombardiered. Up till it gets its victory.
So... starting from today I am going to develop the proper winning attitude. Put my whole efforts in pursuing my goal, put a faith in my capabilities and also God's set out plan, and never give up until the buzzer.